Matt Bacak

Mac Bacak Sends a ThanksGiving Free Offer

Value $97, Temporarily FREE
Subject Line
If you know anything about me, you know I test EVERYTHING…

I take what everybody does and I flip it upside down and test the exact opposite. I find out what REALLY works, I don’t blindly follow anyone…

I don’t just do it for my own products, I do it as an affiliate marketer, too…

After years of testing and millions in affiliate commissions earned…

I’ve consolidated my strategy down to my 5 biggest affiliate secrets…

And now, I’m finally revealing them in a video report…

In this video report, you’ll discover my secrets to banking huge commissions…

…and enjoying fat paychecks month after month after month…

Even during a global economic crisis…

I could’ve easily charged $97 for this, but instead, I want to help as many people as possible right now — so I’ve made it 100% FREE! Enjoy…
Body Copy
Hey, I made a quick overview talkie here if you are into that sort of thing 😉

The Squeeze Page

Above is the Squeeze

The Optin Pop-up

A simple but effective tool such as a Pop-up is used here to make it easy for me to enter my email and go watch and learn Matt’s 5 Affiliate Marketing Secrets.

The Offer

Scarcity works like a dream if people are eager to be one of the few who get to go one-on-one with a pro.

Matt Adds A Video Message That Could Change Your Life

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